

人大重阳 人大重阳 2024-03-03





Raghuvir Kelkar:中国春节







Raghuvir Kelkar:Chinese Spring Festival

The Chinese New Year, which coincides with the Chinese Spring Festival, is one of the festivals celebrated with huge enthusiasm by all Chinese residents across China. It is also celebrated by Chinese migrants worldwide, keeping their Chinese ethnicity and heritage intact. The Chinese New Year follows the Lunar Calendar. In 2024, the Chinese New Year will start on February 10.

One of the elements of celebrating it is making dumplings and eating it with family and friends. This was one of the student activities organised by the Silk Road School (SRS) affiliated with the Renmin University of China (RUC). The students in the final year, as well as the junior students, made dumplings with the staff of the Jingzhai Hotel located on the RUC campus of Suzhou. Because dumplings resemble Yuanbao (ingots) in shape, eating them during the Spring Festival is considered lucky. Preparing dumplings also symbolises obtaining money and fortune for the upcoming New Year. Shui jiao (水饺), traditional Chinese boiling dumplings, have great cultural significance. When the entire family gathers to celebrate the Spring Festival, they are frequently consumed throughout the Chinese (Lunar) New Year. The shape of dumplings is reminiscent of the ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots, signifying prosperity.

Making dumplings after a long holiday in Suzhou with classmates and our teacher, Ms Amber Madam, was like a family of SRS coming together and wishing each other a prosperous new year. The class made dumplings and had fun learning a new skill. The kitchen staff steamed the dumplings we made, and as the traditional Chinese round table lunch style, the whole class enjoyed the dumplings. Away from the home families, this activity by the SRS for the Spring Festival and Chinese New Year gave the entire class a sense of a second home in China.

Even though there is a standard formula, every family has their favourite version and method for making dumplings. The favoured method of each family is passed down through the generations, so the aroma of dumplings can induce a feeling of familiarity and closeness to family. Making dumplings is a typical family task that includes youngsters. The SRS class made dumplings of chicken and vegetarian options. This wasn't easy at first, but the staff of the Jingzhai hotel was skilled enough to make us learn the new recipe relatively quickly.

Dumplings have been a traditional lucky dish for the Lunar New Year for over 1,800 years. Ingots of gold were used as money throughout the Ming Dynasty, and the dumplings carry the traditions from the rich Chinese history and culture. China and its residents are welcoming and have embraced me with open arms to mingle in their culture. Teaching and inviting ex-pats and international students to make dumplings and eat them for the New Year is one more feather in the hat of China's welcoming, warm nature.

Chinese history and culture are very rich and welcoming. I felt very happy and privileged to be part of the dumpling-making activity for the New Year 2024. I salute the Chinese policymakers for preserving the thousand-year-old traditions and culture.






John Assifuah-Nunoo :Me And Chinese Spring

My name is John from Ghana, my Chinese name is Zhao Han. This is my second year to celebrate the Chinese New Year in China.

My experience in celebrating the Spring Festival in China has been in two folds. One with the Silk Road School of Renmim University of China and the other with a Chinese Family I found in Suzhou. It is a tradition in China for most people to travel back to their hometown "老家" to celebrate the Spring Festival with family members with a dinner called “Tuan Yuan Fan 团圆饭”on New Year's eve. One of the most popular dish prepared is the dumplings "Jiao zi, 饺子" Family members gather around to make dumplings together, thus bonding the entire famliy together. In respect to this, my School organized a dumpling making activity which was attended by some students who were still around for the holidays.  It is good to acknowledge that  due to the great size of China and the local dishes between local chinese people varies from the north to the south and the east to west, majority but not all Chinese locals eat dumplings on  the Spring Festival. Another special dish which is eaten during the dinner is called the  "Tang yuan汤圆" meaning Glutinous rice ball . In clothing and decoration, a red coloured outfit and clothing is used to celebrate the Spring Festival.

My Spring Festival experience with Silk Road last year was very interesting because it was the first time I was able to meet our deputy dean and some teachers for the first time, they came to our hotels to present to us Spring Festival Gifts. Another interesting thing happened this year happened last nigh. As students of Chinese politics and law, we acknowledge the fact that that we were not allowed to light up fireworks near our residential area. Due to this reason, some of my silk Road friends together with I had to ride a bike during the cold night to find a nearby lake in an open space. We felt at a point to give up but we still wanted to witness the beauty of our own fireworks. We finally found one and lit it up in the skies and Wished Silk Road School to grow bigger and brighter.


Shota Mgeladze:






Shota Mgeladze:The spring festival accounts to be one the most important holiday

The spring festival accounts for one of the most important holidays. It marks the end of the winter and, therefore, welcomes the spring. Celebrations dated long ago, some customs such as cleaning the house or decorating doors and windows remain recognizable features of the celebration. It was a reverence to the ancestors and deities in ancient times, a practice that continues today. Moreover, people send each other gifts and money (red pockets ) to express their love, respect, and gratitude to their loved ones.

I am always thrilled looking at happy faces. Trying to engage with festivals and consistently trying to celebrate with my friends. Mostly we are going out to have some wine and local food. Therefore, after dinner, we visit the city's main square to watch impressive Chinese inventions and fireworks. Sometimes, you can see people stopping their cars at the other parts of the lake to light fireworks or enjoy the magnificent view.

On the other hand, the city, once alive, looks abandoned due to the simple reason that people are going back to their hometowns. Despite the bothering big lines, ques the presence of many people gives you some energy to feel alive. Most shops, bars, and other facilities are closed, and it reminds me of Christmas Eve in Europe when sometimes students were left without bread, not knowing that bakers are closed for a few days before Christmas.

To sum up, the spring festival is the same for international students (mainly) as the new year; we can fully delve into the celebration as it was not our habitual or traditional custom, but as it brings a joy we cherish and wish all the best to Chinese people and therefore to the world. I feel happy that it's my second time celebrating the spring festival. I hope it will not be the last.


MD Talebur Islam: 











MD Talebur Islam: My first Chinese New Year in China from my Eatern Eyes

Before coming to China for the first time a few months ago, in September 2023, I knew a little about the Chinese New Year and the Spring festival, and I understood that it is a significant event in China. But I did not realize deeply how big and powerful it is in China unless I have not experienced it by myself here. It is an incredible experience, full of learning the culture, immersion in it, and enjoying the moments as they come.

When I am penning down this piece of writing, it is already the day of the Chinese New Year with brighter sunshine in the sky. The night of New Year was full of delicious Chinese cuisines, fireworks, and various lightning in the sky of Suzhou from the evening to the whole night. After the dinner at midnight, I was walking with other international students toward the lake, where the Chinese people graciously invited us to join them for fireworks. It has touchedmy heart. Fireworks are a medium of Chinese New Year culture, and it can be observed how the whole family and relatives celebrate with it together. On another note, I truly appreciate how people remain lawful and keep the city clean despite having various celebrations like fireworks. 

The celebration of the Chinese New Year actually has started a long way ago through making dumplings and calligraphy, celebrating occasions with Chinese people and other international students. What's not in there?You can name it.  Since January, since the New Year arrived, I have been making dumplings and calligraphy on different occasions on the eve of the Spring Festival. Everywhere, there is a festive ambiance. 

Roads to shopping malls, real life to the virtual world- the preparation and atmosphere of the Chinese New Year can be witnessed all around. Every time I open my WeChat, my newsfeed of the WeChat is filled with colorful pictures and videos shared by people.

Suzhou usually has a significant crowd, especially in the center and the Suzhou Industrial Park Area where I live. But the holidays of Chinese New Year and Spring Festival have left the city with a giant vacuum. It sounds like an abandoned and ghost city. It has reminded me of zombies or science-fiction movies where inhabitants leave the place of a hot-happening town empty. This makes me realize how spending time with family and relatives plays an enormous amount of value in the lives of the Chinese. The attachment among themselves can be felt.

It is heartwarming to see others sharing their happiness through various means, which at the same time is also a source of learning about Chinese culture, society, and the country as a whole.Such things provoke my thoughts and help me understand unified China with plenty of diversity within the nation.

Since many of the people in Suzhou come from different parts of China as well as the world, it is entirely understandable that people tend to be with their families and loved ones. It reminds my family who lives in Bangladesh, too. So, it also helps me to reflect on myself.

In the year of the Dragon, I wish China to flourish with properties, wealth, and enlightenment. It is such a privilege to be part of this vibrant, engrossing, and enlightening culture of China. I would never have a deeper understanding and experience of the Chinese New Year unless I have been here in China physically.

Happy Chinese New Year!新年快乐!Gong Xi Fa Cai!






// 人大重阳    











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