

Ryanben Capital 瑞恩资本RyanbenCapital 2024-02-17


”)在美国证监会(SEC)递交招股书,拟于美国纳斯达克上市,股票代码 USEE





USEE有奢核心理念是让所有参与者享受消费带来的价值,通过USEE奢侈品集合店的线下连锁体系和电商平台链接的实体数字化运营模式,为创业者提供新的消费场景和轻创业平台,同时让消费者获得 便捷优惠的购物体验。



Zhao Qiu,持股76.50%;

Hongqiong Li,持股23.50%。





邱钊 Mr. Zhao Qiu is the founder and chairman of USEE ELECTRONIC COMMERCE LTD. He graduated from National Open University of China. Mr. Zhao Qiu has been engaged in K12 education and art training for many years; From 2015 to 2020, he served as the chairman of Sichuan Yungen Culture Communication Co., LTD. Since 2020, I have been engaged in the new retail field of Internet e-commerce. As the founder and CEO of United International Listed Enterprise in Hong Kong in 2021, Mr. Zhao Qiu has rich experience in business management and other aspects, which also shows that Mr. Zhao Qiu is fully capable of leading the development of the company. Secondly, Mr. Zhao Qiu has also made outstanding contributions in the field of business. He was featured in the publication "Global Business Figures". Mr. Zhao Qiu is also committed to innovation in the field of business economy to improve the vitality and vitality of enterprises. Finally, Mr. Zhao Qiu is not only devoted to the fields of economy and education, but also devoted to public welfare. He was awarded the "Charity Award for Chinese Women and Children" in 2014. Mr. Zhao Qiu never forgets his original intention, and gives feedback to the society when he can.

For the future prospect of USEE ELECTRONIC COMMERCE LTD, Mr. Zhao Qiu said: "Baihui E-commerce is based on responding to the national policy call, relying on green and low-carbon products, data asset realization, innovative industry investment and financing, Suyu media economy and other business scope; With the mass consumption and entrepreneurial demand as the core and the application of green low-carbon products and green consumption scenarios as the purpose, the company will form a value-added business ecosystem around the consumption end, channel end and brand end, and build a one-stop incubation service of industry and finance. In the future, we will strive to ensure that everyone can enjoy the service of Baihui."


李红琼 Ms. Hongqiong Li as the legal representative of Sichuan Lingjun Brand Management Co., LTD., Sichuan Baishi Wei Trading Co., LTD., adhere to the concept of brand leadership, accumulated rich experience in brand management, in long-term practice work, formed a set of own brand management management and operation system, with professional and mature management technology, effectively serve the development and growth of market enterprises. Ms. Hongqiong Li believes that brand effect can improve consumers' awareness of enterprises and products, enhance their loyalty and trust in brands, and make consumers willing to pay higher prices for brands, thus bringing brand premium. Therefore, Ms. Hongqiong Li will focus on building the corporate brand of USEE ELECTRONIC COMMERCE LTD, so as to improve the corporate image and reputation. To better position USEE ELECTRONIC COMMERCE LTD in a competitive market and make it easier for USEE ELECTRONIC COMMERCE LTD to enter new markets and areas in the future.

龙祥Mr. Xiang Long with years of experience in the fields of enterprise management, enterprise consulting, education and training, he has rich experience in project operation and has successively held key positions in state-owned enterprises and multinational groups. Mr. Xiang Long is the current executive President of USEE ELECTRONIC COMMERCE LTD. Mr. Xiang Long has been immersed in enterprise management, enterprise consulting, education training and other fields for many years, and has rich experience in project operation. In the aspect of enterprise management, Mr. Xiang Long has excellent professional ability and team building ability, giving full play to the efficiency of the enterprise team. Mr. Xiang Long thinks that different generations adopt different ideas of shopping online. There are significant differences in the way different generations shop online. The new generation values convenience more. Online shopping is the main way of shopping for them. It is a necessary way of shopping. The new generation says they are willing to browse new products in stores. When it comes to online shopping, 85 percent of them research products in a web browser, but only 66 percent say they buy online regularly. Millennials can be the perfect target audience for an omnichannel marketing strategy. Younger millennials are more likely to buy from brick-and-mortar stores than older millennials. Eighty-two percent of millennials say they trust word-of-mouth marketing the most, and 68 percent admit that what they see on social media heavily influences their shopping decisions. Gen Z are digital natives, which has greatly influenced their attitude towards online shopping. They always research products online and compare prices before making luxury purchases. Gen Z, meanwhile, view shopping as a social activity, with 84 percent of them preferring to shop with friends in physical stores.

Mr. Xiang Long said: At present, the world is in a new round of turbulence and change, the far-reaching impact of the century epidemic, frequent conflicts in local areas, the increasing downward pressure of the world economy and other multiple factors have put forward great challenges to the global industrial chain and supply chain, and the global industrial chain and supply chain has entered a new stage of reconstruction. He stressed that in order to further promote the deep integration of digital economy and industrial chain and supply chain, and accelerate the construction of a strong industrial chain and supply chain, Baihui • Youshe insists on constantly promoting industrial digital innovation, helping industrial chain and supply chain to reduce cost and increase efficiency, and supporting to promote the digital transformation of industrial chain and supply chain.

Type upgrade. In addition to relying on the supply chain in the original four bonded areas, we will actively connect more industrial chain and upstream and downstream resources of the supply chain, and gradually build a luxury super SRM digital supply chain.


杨海洋 Mr. Haiyang Yang is a well-known business planner, more than ten years of experience in the planning industry, has a wealth of project planning and practical experience, good at project planning, brand planning, project operation, etc. Mr. Haiyang Yang believes that e-commerce is developing rapidly. Since the late 1990s, the Internet has emerged as a brand new trade platform. By the early 21st century, B2C, C2C, O2O, B2B2C, SaaS, logistics distribution, payment system and so on are fully available. With the implementation of the "Internet Plus" action plan and the deepening of the "new retail" strategy, e-commerce will be further developed in the future. In Mr. Haiyang Yang's opinion, the development of e-commerce presents a new trend of unboundary, standardization, sinking, intellectualization and greening. At present, more and more traditional enterprises have begun to turn to e-commerce, hoping to expand their business and open up new markets through the Internet. At the same time, there are more and more emerging enterprises engaged in e-commerce, taking advantage of the advantages of the Internet to grow rapidly. It is expected that this trend will be more obvious in the next few years. Therefore, USEE ELECTRONIC COMMERCE LTD needs to firmly grasp the advantages of the Internet and combine its own resources for stable and rapid development in the future development.


王建国Mr. Jianguo Wang has many years of experience in education and training, marketing and investment promotion, has a unique viewpoint and execution strategy in the field of marketing, and has the ability of independent market development and operation. Mr. Jianguo Wang thinks that the basic definition of e-commerce means that under the open Internet network environment, buyers and sellers carry out all kinds of business activities without meeting in a wide range of global business activities, realizing online shopping for consumers, online trading for merchants and online electronic payment. And a variety of business activities and related comprehensive service activities of a new business operation mode. Therefore, Mr. Jianguo Wang said that the e-commerce marketing should take the target market as the core, through the innovation of commodity, price, channel, promotion and other factors to attract the target masses and finally persuade consumers to buy the products or services of the enterprise. In the future, Mr. Jianguo Wang will consider how USEE ELECTRONIC COMMERCE LTD should effectively win over competitors and remain invincible from a long-term viewpoint, and will pay attention to market research, collect and analyze a lot of information. Only in this way can we make the right decision when the environment and market changes are highly uncertain.

Ms. Juan Feng used to work in Fortune 500 companies such as Procter & Gamble and L 'Oreal. She absorbed and summarized their advanced scientific operation and management modes, and effectively used the excellent operation experience she summarized in her follow-up work to achieve the purpose of innovative operation and management ideas. In addition, Ms. Juan Feng has made remarkable achievements in the fields of market expansion, e-commerce operation, Internet, supply chain management, etc. Ms. Juan Feng believes that the business form of e-commerce driven platforms is shifting from cargo centered to human centered, and potential consumer demands are explored through videos, pictures and other content. Typical platforms include Jingdong and Pidoduo. It is characterized by enriching commodity display information and forms through content, attaching importance to real-time interaction with consumers, broadening traffic sources and enhancing user stickiness. It guides consumers to shop through videos, graphics and other content, which improves the effect of e-commerce marketing and reduces the decision-making cost of consumers. Therefore, Ms. Juan Feng believes that the e-commerce driven development platform has a good development trend in the future, and USEE ELECTRONIC COMMERCE LTD can seize the opportunity, develop rapidly and occupy market share.





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Ryanben Capital 瑞恩资本RyanbenCapital

