
新闻 |【明德尚法讲堂】英国邓迪大学Volker Roeben教授解读“海洋法最新案例”

新闻中心 大连海事大学法学院

4月14日下午,来自英国邓迪大学的Volker Roeben教授受邀为法学院师生开设题为《解读海洋法最新案例:走向客观的法律秩序?》的线上讲座活动,法学院教授邹克渊、张晏瑲,讲师于诗卉、刘晨虹和百余名法学院学生一同参加了讲座,并结合当下国际热点问题同主讲人展开了深入的探讨,讲座由邹克渊主持。




讲座最后,主持人邹克渊教授对讲座内容进行了评议,并将同学们提出的问题逐一呈现给主讲人。主讲人耐心细致地回答了师生们提出的问题,对学生们所提出的日本决定排放核污水可能引起的国际法问题,从行为的合法性、《联合国海洋法公约》的适用、国际海洋法法庭的管辖权和邻国权益可能受到的影响等方面进行了细致解答。法学院张晏瑲教授针对国际法院咨询意见肯定了联合国大会决议效力的问题、乌克兰诉俄罗斯案中乌克兰海军军舰的行为是执法行为还是军事行为的问题,与主讲人进行了深入交流。Volker Roeben教授以其过硬的专业知识和丰富的执业经历为师生们带来了一场别开生面的知识盛宴,讲座最终在师生们一片热烈的掌声中成功落下了帷幕。

On the afternoon of April 14, Prof. Volker Roeben from the University of Dundee, UK, was invited to give an online lecture entitled “Recent Cases on the Law of the Sea: Towards an Objective Legal Order?”. The lecture was attended by Prof. Keyuan Zou,  Prof. Yen-Chiang Cha, lecture Shihui Yu, lecture Chenhong Liu and around 170 students from DMU Law School. The lecture was hosted by Prof. Keyuan Zou.

The lecture focused on three main areas.

Firstly, Prof. Roeben provided a systematic review of the topical and controversial cases before the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea and the arbitral tribunals constituted according to Annex VII of UNCLOS in recent years. Taking the Chagos case and the “Côte d'Ivoire v. Ghana” case as examples, the speaker provided insights into the basis of maritime delimitation, the jurisdiction of the tribunal and the application of the indispensable third party rule. At the same time, the speaker also drew on the cases of Italy v. Erik Lesher of India and Ukraine v. Russia on the Detention of Naval Vessels to give a full account of the issues of freedom of navigation in the exclusive economic zone, the criminal jurisdiction of coastal States and the legality of the use of force, which have long been of great concern to the international community, and to offer his own suggestions for their resolution.

In the second part of the lecture, Prof. Roeben gave an analysis of the International Seabed Authority and deep seabed resources, explaining in detail the regulatory competence of the Authority, the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction, focusing on polymetallic nodules, exploration contracts, ferromanganese crusts and the relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

At the end of the lecture, the moderator, Prof. Keyuan Zou , commented on the content of the lecture and presented the questions raised by the students to Prof. Roeben one by one. Prof. Roeben patiently and meticulously answered the questions raised by the students, particularly on the possible international law issues arising from Japan's decision to discharge nuclear sewage, in terms of the legality of the act, the application of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the jurisdiction of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the possible impact on the rights and interests of neighbouring states. Prof. Yen-Chiang Chang had an in-depth exchange with the speaker on the issue of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice affirming the validity of the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, and the issue of whether the conduct of the Ukrainian naval warships in the Ukraine v. Russia case was a law enforcement act or a military act.

Prof. Volker Roeben, with his professional knowledge and rich experience in practice, gave the students and faculty a unique feast of knowledge. The lecture came to a successful end with a round of applause from the students and teachers.

文字 | 于诗卉

编辑 | 乔   彤


