

alitrack alitrack 2022-10-01

一个客户的数据存储在sybase里,当他把数据导出为CSV给我的时候,不管我怎么处理,都无法正常导入,细查并确认后才知道,他们数据库采用的编码是ISO-8859-1, 由于字段长度的问题,导致某些汉字被截断,造成数据丢失,一番折腾后才把问题解决。


  • 编码引起的乱码

  • 解码引起的乱码

  • 缺少某种字体库引起的乱码(这种情况需要用户安装对应的字体库,ETL一般不会存在这种问题,除非你处理的文件格式比较特殊,比如PDF)

其中大部分乱码问题是由不合适的解码方式造成的,如图  所示的鱼骨图,


  • 全部乱码(无解,重新获取正确数据)

  • 部分乱码,可能是双字节或者多字节被截断(比如数据库设置的是ISO-8859-1,存的是汉字,如果字段长度设置过短,就有可能把一个双字节汉字截断,一半字节丢失。也可能是UTF-16的编码数据以UTF-8另存,导致部分字符在UTF8下无法识别变成乱码。


  • file

  • iconv


>file --help
Usage: file [OPTION...] [FILE...]Determine type of FILEs.
--help display this help and exit -v, --version output version information and exit -m, --magic-file LIST use LIST as a colon-separated list of magic number files -M LIST use LIST as a colon-separated list of magic number files in place of default LIST use LIST as a colon-separated list of magic number files in place of default -z, --uncompress try to look inside compressed files -Z, --uncompress-noreport only print the contents of compressed files -b, --brief do not prepend filenames to output lines -c, --checking-printout print the parsed form of the magic file, use in conjunction with -m to debug a new magic file before installing it -d use default magic file use default magic file -e, --exclude TEST exclude TEST from the list of test to be performed for file. Valid tests are: apptype, ascii, cdf, compress, elf, encoding, soft, tar, text, tokens -f, --files-from FILE read the filenames to be examined from FILE -F, --separator STRING use string as separator instead of `:' -i do not further classify regular files do not further classify regular files -I, --mime output MIME type strings (--mime-type and --mime-encoding) --apple output the Apple CREATOR/TYPE --extension output a slash-separated list of extensions --mime-type output the MIME type --mime-encoding output the MIME encoding -k, --keep-going don't stop at the first match -l, --list list magic strength -L, --dereference follow symlinks -h, --no-dereference don't follow symlinks (default) -n, --no-buffer do not buffer output -N, --no-pad do not pad output -0, --print0 terminate filenames with ASCII NUL -p, --preserve-date preserve access times on files -P, --parameter set file engine parameter limits indir 15 recursion limit for indirection name 30 use limit for name/use magic elf_notes 256 max ELF notes processed elf_phnum 128 max ELF prog sections processed elf_shnum 32768 max ELF sections processed -r, --raw don't translate unprintable chars to \ooo -s, --special-files treat special (block/char devices) files as ordinary ones -C, --compile compile file specified by -m -D, --debug print debugging messages
Report bugs to http://bugs.gw.com/


>file abc.csv abc.csv: UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) text


>iconv --help
Usage: iconv [OPTION...] [-f ENCODING] [-t ENCODING] [INPUTFILE...]or: iconv -l
Converts text from one encoding to another encoding.
Options controlling the input and output format: -f ENCODING, --from-code=ENCODING the encoding of the input -t ENCODING, --to-code=ENCODING the encoding of the output
Options controlling conversion problems: -c discard unconvertible characters --unicode-subst=FORMATSTRING substitution for unconvertible Unicode characters --byte-subst=FORMATSTRING substitution for unconvertible bytes --widechar-subst=FORMATSTRING substitution for unconvertible wide characters
Options controlling error output: -s, --silent suppress error messages about conversion problems
Informative output: -l, --list list the supported encodings --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit
Report bugs to <bug-gnu-libiconv@gnu.org>.

iconv 就是把文件从一种编码往另外一种编码转,这里有一个非常实用的参数 -c,它的用途就是把忽略不可识别的字符(对部分乱码非常有效)

@rem 把UTF8编码文件转为GBK编码,并剔除掉无法识别的字符iconv -f UTF8 -t GBK -c utf8.csv>gbk.csv



  • https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/analysis-and-summary-of-common-random-code-problems/index.html

  • http://alitrack.com/2016/08/18/如何快速获得一个文件的类型和所使用的编码信息/

  • http://alitrack.com/2016/08/18/iconv批量转换字符集编码的利器/

