

卫绮骐 香港国际仲裁中心HKIAC 2021-09-18


A Quick Look at HKIAC Costs of Arbitration



The costs of arbitration remain a major concern for all parties involved in an arbitration. Bearing this in mind, the Schedules of Fees in the Hong Kong International Arbitration Center (“HKIAC”) 2018 Administered Arbitration Rules (the “2018 Rules”), which remain largely based on HKIAC’s original schedule of fees, have been enhanced in various ways in order to further help parties save costs. These amendments also conform with HKIAC’s objectives to reduce arbitration costs and increase efficiency.



Schedule of Fees at HKIAC



The cost of an HKIAC administered arbitration generally comprises three fees.



(1) HKIAC’s Registration Fee. When submitting a Notice of Arbitration, Claimant shall pay a Registration Fee of HKD 8,000 pursuant to Article 4.4 and Schedule 1 ofthe 2018 Rules. Where there is more than one Claimant, the registration fee shall be shared equally between Claimants, unless Claimants agree otherwise. The registration fee is generally non-refundable (except in exceptional circumstances as determined by HKIAC in its sole discretion).


第二,HKIAC管理费。管理费金额依争议金额而定,且除2018年《规则》第18.2、27.15、28.10 或 30.2款及HKIAC认定的特殊情况外,管理费上限为400,000港币。若争议金额不能确定,则HKIAC将依2018年《规则》附录1第2.6节参酌案件情况确定其管理费。

(2) HKIAC’s Administrative Fees. HKIAC’s Administrative Fees are determined based on the amount in dispute. Apart from Articles 18.2, 27.15, 28.10 or 30.2 of the 2018 Rules or in exceptional circumstances, the Administrative Fees are capped at HKD 400,000. Where the amount in dispute is not quantified, pursuant to paragraph 2.6 of Schedule 1 of the 2018 Rules, HKIAC’s Administrative Fees shall be fixed by HKIAC, taking into account the circumstances of the case.



(3) The Arbitral Tribunal’s Fees. The 2018 Rules preserve HKIAC’s dual fee structure which allows the parties to pay the arbitral tribunal on the basis of hourly rates or based on the amount in dispute. The dual fee structure is one of HKIAC’s many distinctive features and provides the parties autonomy to choose the appropriate fee method. If the parties fail to agree on the applicable method within 30 days of the date on which Respondent receives the Notice of Arbitration, the arbitral tribunal’s fees shall be determined in accordance with hourly rate. The maximum agreed hourly rate of an arbitrator is HKD 6,500 per hour unless the parties agree or HKIAC determines otherwise in exceptional circumstances.



Emergency Administrative Fees



We introduced the Emergency Arbitrator Procedure in our prior article. This is a mechanism which enables parties to an arbitration to seek interim relief in anemergency situation prior to the constitution of the arbitral tribunal. For the first time, the 2018 Rules set a cap on an Emergency Arbitrator’s total fees. In particular, under the 2018 Rules, unless the parties agree or HKIAC determines otherwise in exceptional circumstances, the cap for an Emergency Arbitrator’s total fees shall be limited to HKD 200,000. At the same time, the maximum hourly of an arbitrator set out above (i.e., HKD 6,500 per hour) also applies to Emergency Arbitrators.



Third-Party Funding



Hong Kong law allows the parties to an arbitration to be funded by a third party. However, a related issue is whether the arbitral tribunal may order the losing side to bear the third party funding fees. To avoid disputes on this issue, the 2018 Rules expressly allow an arbitral tribunal to take into account any third party funding arrangement in determining all or part of the costs of the arbitration.


2018年《规则》的全文可点击 "阅读全文" 获得,并将以多种语言发布。

The full text of the 2018 Rules is available (in various languages) “阅读全文”. 

Author: Qiqi Wei (Counsel of HKIAC)

作者: 卫绮骐 (香港国际仲裁中心法律顾问)

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