
仲裁女性俱乐部(WIA)招募首届委员会(WIA Committee)成员

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WIA wishes you a happy International Women’s Day!


On 14 February 2018, HKIAC is pleased to announce the launch of Women In Arbitration (WIA), an initiative committed to the promotion and success of female practitioners in international arbitration and related practice areas in China. WIA will provide a forum for members to consider and discuss current topics, grow networks and business relationships, and develop the next generation of leading female practitioners.

WIA活动的发起是 HKIAC 自2016年10月签署《仲裁平等代表权承诺》以来,为提高女性在仲裁领域代表权所采取的几项重要步骤之一。成长发展、分享交流、面向中国、拥抱世界——WIA关注仲裁女性从业者的权益,在世界范围内提高女性在仲裁领域的知名度。

The launch of the WIA initiative is one of several important steps HKIAC has taken to improve the representation of women in arbitration since signing the Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge in October 2016. Through self-development, sharing and exchanging ideas in facing China and the world, WIA concerns the rights of female practitioners and wishes to increase the visibility of women in the field of arbitration worldwide.

WIA自发起以来,活动轨迹遍及上海、北京、香港。活动形式包括圆桌论坛、辩论赛、品酒会。活动话题涉及职业发展、女性成长、价值塑造,知识产权仲裁等。WIA提升了仲裁界对仲裁女性这一话题的敏感度和关注度,凝聚了仲裁多样性的某些共识。为更好开展活动、促进协同发展、完善俱乐部建设,首届WIA Committee即将组建成立,我们将从报名人选中产生本届WIA Committee成员。

Since the launch of the WIA initiative, its activities have been taken place in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong, including round table discussions, debates, and wine tasting events. The topics covered include career development, women's growth, value building, and arbitration in intellectual property. WIA has increased the sensitivity and attention of the arbitration community to the issue of women in arbitration, and has united some consensus on the diversity in arbitration. To further organise activities, promote coordinated development, and improve the structure of the club, the first term of WIA Committee will be established and we will select the committee members from the applications.

加入我们 Join us

如您有意加入WIA Committee,为WIA谏言献策、提供智慧、策划活动,共同致力于促进女性仲裁在国际仲裁领域的成功,请于2020年4月30日之前扫描下方二维码进行报名。如果您想加入仲裁女性俱乐部(WIA)成为会员,获取更多WIA的相关信息,请点击“阅读原文”。

If you are interested in joining the WIA Committee to provide advice and wisdom, organise events, and work together to promote the success of female practitioners in the field of international arbitration, please scan the QR code for registration by 30 April 2020. To join the membership of WIA, please click "阅读原文“.


WIA 上海女性与仲裁:职业发展与自我成长2018/06/08

WIA 北京



WIA Hong Kong

Chinese Arbitral Women from Hong Kong to the World


WIA 上海



WIA 上海


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